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‘Girl Code’ Bootcamp
Published on January 31st, 2020 in Fair Share Housing Development
Photo by Chantel Young
By Jesuit Volunteer Kaitlyn DeVeydt
Almost every woman has a story where they’ve leaned on the other women around them, often strangers, and have seen and felt the power of “Girl Code,” a set of unwritten rules meant to uplift kindness and solidarity. Every Tuesday, our K-4th graders gather together with staff and some of our older girls to discuss the Do’s and Don’ts of Girl Code, a new workshop that Chantel and I recently kicked off. Our topics include: Respecting Boundaries/Healthy Relationships, Bullying, Bystander Effect/Peer Pressure/Snitching, Social Media: Blocking Out the Haters, Comment Culture: Can-Do’s & Can-Don’ts, and Conflict Resolution/Restorative Circles.
Thanks to the help of our older middle school ladies, we’ve had a successful few weeks full of role-playing, discussion, and friendship. Being a young woman is a challenge and we hope to equip our girls with the tools, relationships, and strength they need to make their own way.